Behind The Stripes


Our Jungle Streetwear Brand Collection has a deeper meaning behind the creation of our Tiger logo and the Three Stripes.

Throughout my life, I have been faced with obstacles and adversity, and I wanted to create something to help others overcome their own challenges. I have used my background to find meaning in the Three Jungle Stripes in our Jungle Streetwear collection.  

The First Stripe represents STRENGTH. To me, strength is having the ability to overcome difficulties and surpassing hardship and obstacles.

The Middle Stripe stands for VITALITY; or to have energy and liveliness to grow and be successful.

The Last Stripe portrays HOPE. In our book, hope is having optimism for creating a better future for the next generation. The Jungle Streetwear collection is taking a leap in this generations athletic clothing.

With the three Jungle stripes, I hope to inspire others to tackle challenges in their life head on. At Jungle Streetwear we want to give people confidence to work harder and reach success.  Through these three qualities, we can unlock our greatest potential and become the greatest version of ourselves!